Their name comes from the Welsh language. Cor is for "dwarf" and Gi means dog, so every time we speak the name of this breed we're really saying "Dwarf Dog."
They Come in Lots of Colors
Most people think of one or two color schemes when it comesto a corgi, but the Pembroke and cardigan actually vary quite a bit. Colors include sable, merle, tri-colored, red, black, brindle, and fawn with white markings.
They Share Ancestry with Huskies
You’d never guess by looking at them, but these squat dogs share a common ancestry with the formidable Siberian husky. They have less in common with dogs their size and more in common with their larger canine brethren. They might not pull a sled (or be able to navigate snow) but they have that same dogged determination.
If you stole a corgi under ancient Welsh law, you’d get fined. There were severe penalties for abducting one of these little canine co-workers, which shows the respect they’ve held throughout history.
Corgis are Very Intelligent
While they may not make our list of the top 10 smartest dogs, corgis are pretty sharp. The corgi may just be the Sherlock Holmes of the dog world: brilliant and genteel, with energy and ego to match. If you can keep up, this one’s for you!